I-COOP Workshop on Compact Objects
June 5-6, 2024

Black Holes, Cosmology, and Quantum Gravity
Special Issue in Symmetry

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Asymmetric wormholes may cast more than one shadow.
New paper

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1st i-School and Conference on Metric-Affine Gravity
May 4-7, 2021

Adria Delhom becomes Trusted Reviewer of IoP

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Universe 2021 Best Paper Award in our group

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Seminar by Simon Boudet
Oct. 19, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.

Poesía, teoría de cuerdas ... y Plaza Radio
Oct. 21, 2021.

Workshop on Black Holes, Cosmology, and Metric-Affine Gravity
Nov. 18-19, 2021.

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5th Valencia Winter Workshop
Dec. 13-15, 2021

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7th Valencia Winter Workshop
Dec. 11-13, 2023

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Sobre nosotros


Bienvenidos a la web del grupo de investigación UV-QG de la Universitat de València - CSIC.  

Nuestro objetivo principal es investigar aspectos clásicos y cuánticos en física gravitacional, con énfasis en temas que van desde teorías de gravedad modificada y la interfase entre gravedad y teoría cuántica de campos en escenarios de agujero negro y cosmología, hasta aspectos de astrofísica estelar, objetos compactos, modelos análogos de gravedad, supersimetría, geometría generalizada y lógica cuántica, entre otros. También nos interesan los posibles efectos que nueva física gravitacional podría tener en escenarios que involucran ondas gravitacionales.

Si quieres más detalles sobre quienes somos, qué hacemos, de donde venimos y a donde vamos, te invitamos a visitar las diferentes secciones de esta página así como el apartado de noticias, donde iremos poniendo actualizaciones sobre nuestros avances y actividades.


Actividades de investigación


Para comprender mejor el mundo que nos rodea, es necesario explorar en detalle tanto los datos observacionales como las teorías que utilizamos para interpretarlos, así como sus posibles extensiones. 

Es por ello que en UV-QG trabajamos en una amplia variedad temática, que se extiende desde la interfase entre gravedad y campos cuánticos en escenarios cosmológicos y de agujero negro, hasta aspectos observacionales de cosmología, astrofísica estelar y objetos compactos, pasando por modelos análogos de agujeros negros en materia condensada, supersimetría, geometría generalizada y aspectos de lógica cuántica, entre otros.


Toda nuestra actualidad y eventos

  • 27/05/2024 i-COOP Workshop on Compact Objects and Metric-Affine Gravity

    In the year 2024 the UV-QG group has initiated a collaboration with members of three African institutions: the University of Cape Town and North-West University, from South Africa, and The British University in Egypt, from Egypt (obviously). This collaboration is possible thanks to the economic support of the internationalization program i-COOP of CSIC through the grant COOPB23096. This initiative is aligned with the commitment of members of the UV-QG group to contribute to the strengthening of the scientific-technical training capacities of developing countries, facilitating scientific exchanges and internships at the Department of Theoretical Physics & IFIC, a joint research center of the University of Valencia and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). 

    As part of the activities of this project, in June 5-6 of the current year 2024 we are organizing a workshop to discuss about compact objects and metric-affine gravity, which will hopefully serve as a starting point for new research and collaborations among the participants. In this first meeting, we will have the participation of the coordinators from the three involved foreign institutions: Dr. Álvaro de la Cruz Dombriz (UCT),  Dr. Amare Abebe Gidelew (NWU), and Dr. Gamal G. Lamee Nashed (BUE).

    The workshop will be held at the Seminar Room of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia (Burjassot Campus) in hybrid format to facilitate the remote participation and attendance of the national and international community working in the field of compact objects, metric-affine geometry, and modified theories of gravity. As usual, all talks and discussions will be broadcast live via our YouTube channel. If you are interested in participating in the live sessions, let us know by email (at gonzalo.olmo@uv.es with subject "i-COOP meeting") to receive the corresponding ZOOM link. 

  • 02/10/2023 7th Winter Workshop @Valencia

    Welcome to the website of the 7th edition of the Winter Workshop on Theoretical Physics. This event will take place at the Lise Meitner auditorium of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia (Spain) on December 11-13, 2023

    Direct links to the talks: 

     Yes, we do have a channel!

    Meeting ID: 933 4313 5081
    Access Code: 19051915

  • 23/11/2021 5th Valencia Winter Workshop - Dec. 13-15, 2021

    Direct links to the talks: 



    Though still struggling with the COVID-19 nightmare, we are back and ready to face a new edition of the Valencia Winter Workshop on Theoretical Physics. This time this event will take place at the Seminar Room of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia and, at the same time, it will be broadcasted live from our BigBlueButton meeting room and also via our YouTube channel. On site and online participation is thus very welcome. 

    Like in previous editions, this meeting is intended to bring together researchers with common interests on the geometric structure of space-time, quantum properties of gravity, cosmology, and astrophysics who collaborate with the host group via active projects (FunFiCO-777740, i-COOP20462, PROMETEO 2020/079, FIS2017-84440-C2- 1-P,  PID2020-116567GB-C21, …) or have close ties with them. 

    Fundamental questions about the foundations of gravitation, the role of quantized fields in curved space-times, cosmological and astrophysical signatures of gravity within and beyond General Relativity, and recent developments on other topics, will be reviewed in a series of invited/contributed talks, and open discussions. 

    The idea of the workshop is to encourage everyone, from seniors to less-experienced students and postdocs, to present some results obtained during the year 2021 that they find particularly relevant/interesting/easy to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere, possibly using the pdf of a paper already on arXiv or some scanned handwritten notes of a current work in progress, and addressing a few simple questions: 

    1. What is it about?
    2. Why is it important? (An explanation of what is unique and/or timely about this topic and the difference it might make with respect to previous work). 
    3. Perspectives. 

    The contributions are NOT expected to last 60 minutes. Rather 15-25 minute conceptual presentations with minimal calculations (if possible) are encouraged for everyone. The subsequent discussion and questions could extend as much as needed, depending on the audience participation. To be more concrete, for students we expect talks of about 20' (+10' of discussion), and for postdocs/seniors up to 30'(+15' of discussion) at most. All non-essential calculations could be provided to those interested for their individual analysis. The idea is to have talks not too focused on technicalities (if the topic allows, obviously) but have more discussions which could lead to new works/collaborations in 2022 and beyond. 

    The workshop programme appears below: Click on each item for more information.  

    If you are an online speaker or simply want to participate in the discussions, please join us via BigBlueButton (no need to install anything, just click).


    • Flavio Bombacigno.
    • Florencia A. Teppa Pannia.
    • Gonzalo J. Olmo.  
    • Andreu S. Masó. 
    • Antonio Ferreiro de Aguiar.
    • Sergi Nadal. 
    • Adrià Delhom I Latorre. 
    • Pau Beltrán Palau.

    This meeting is organized by the Quantum Black Holes, Supergravity and Cosmology group at the Department of Theoretical Physics & IFIC of the University of Valencia & CSIC, Spain.

    Photo of this post by  Pepe Serrador, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

  • 10/11/2021 i-COOP Workshop on Black Holes, Cosmology, and Metric-Affine Gravity.

    In the year 2020 the UV-QG group started a collaboration with members of the University of Cape Town (UCT) at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, and the UCT Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity Centre (ACGC). This collaboration was possible thanks to the economic support of the internationalization program i-COOP of CSIC through the grant COOPB20462. 

    As part of the activities of this project, in December 2020 members of UCT participated in our 4th Valencia Winter Workshop, and in May 2021 we organized for them the 1st i-School and Conference on Metric-Affine Gravity, both of which were held completely online due to mobility restrictions caused by the COVID-19 epidemics. 

    Now that vaccines are allowing some relaxation on international mobility, two members of the UCT team, namely, Dr. Álvaro de la Cruz Dombriz and Dr. Jahed Abedi, will visit us in Valencia during the week of November 15-19, 2021. For this occasion, we are organizing a Workshop on Black Holes, Cosmology, and Metric-Affine Gravity, which will take place in a hybrid format on November 18-19. Some talks will be delivered at the Seminar Room of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia in Burjassot and others will be delivered remotely. As usual, everything will be broadcasted live from our Big Blue Button meeting room and also via our YouTube channel

    Besides our colleagues from UCT, this week we will also have Dr. Fabio Moretti (Sapienza, Università di Roma), who will also join us for this event. Dr. Moretti collaborates with Simon Boudet (visiting us from September to December, 2021), Flavio Bombacigno, and Gonzalo J. Olmo on topics related with metric-affine gravity and gravitational waves. 

    If you want to know more about our special guests of this event, here you have a short bio of them: 

    Dr. Álvaro de la Cruz Dombriz:  images.ashx?id=89bab20f2c60d229797fb45fdf9afdd1

    Since August 2015, Álvaro (Aranjuez, 1980) has been a Faculty Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and a member of the UCT Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity Centre (ACGC) at UCT. Previously, awarded a PhD at the Complutense University of Madrid (2010, Summa cum Laude) on theoretical and observational constraints in extended theories of gravity. Subsequently held a postdoctoral fellow post at the UCT Cosmology and Gravity group and obtained a Marie Curie postdoctoral contract at the ICE-IEEC Barcelona. 

    Álvaro’s publications include more than 50 peer-reviewed articles with seminal contributions in the areas of cosmological large-scale structures, foundations of theories beyond Einsteinian gravity, particularly on Scalar-Tensor gravity theories, and indirect methods of dark matter detections.

    To date, Álvaro has been member of the scientific teams for seventeen research funded projects. Since 2016 he has been a member of two running EU-COST actions and along the course of his career he has been the Principal Investigator (PI) for six funded research projects in both Europe and South Africa.

    In 2017 he was appointed as an Associate in the SKA Cosmology and Gravitational Waves collaboration and was honoured with the Young Researcher Award, (UCT College of Fellows, 2017) and the Claude Leon Foundation Merit Award for Early-career Researchers (2018).

    Dr. Jahed Abedi: images.ashx?id=5ac428a20593d1a6100ebc08c3aaabef

    Jahed Abedi, a postdoctoral researcher from UCT and University of Stavanger, is a black hole physicist, working on gravitational physics in both observational side such as searching for GW echoes and QNMs in LIGO/Virgo data and theoretical side such as BH perturbations, QNMs, and QFT in curved space-time.

    images.ashx?id=348ab8d75696b4ba398de409a030df25Dr. Fabio Moretti: 

    Fabio Moretti obtained his PhD in 2021 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis on gravitational waves in modified theory of gravity. His principal interests cover propagation and interaction of gravitational waves with astrophysical media in extensions of general relativity, with special emphasis on additional polarizations and settling of dispersive/dissipative phenomena. He is also involved in compact objects physics, where he mainly deals with the role of additional scalar degrees of freedom in stellar structure and evolution.


    The workshop programme appears below. Click on each item for more information.  


    If you are an online speaker or simply want to participate in the discussions, please join us via BigBlueButton (no need to install anything, just click).

    Direct links to the talks: 






    • Flavio Bombacigno. 
    • Florencia A. Teppa Pannia.
    • Andreu Masó.
    • Gonzalo J. Olmo.
    • Silvia Pla García. 

      images.ashx?id=719e2c780e0e54bfa50842d5633e95f3  images.ashx?id=baed36701f68ad6decf5f9785beba41e


    Photo of this post by Andreas Selter on Unsplash

  • 23/10/2021 Poesía, teoría de cuerdas ... y Plaza Radio

    Esta semana el programa Pegando la Hebra de Plaza Radio ha entrevistado a nuestra compañera María A. Lledó (Marian). En esta entrevista habla de sus dos pasiones: la física teórica y la poesía.

    No os perdáis su descripción de la teoría de cuerdas, de los problemas entre teoría cuántica y relatividad general, y otras cuestiones relacionadas con agujeros negros y el espacio-tiempo.  

    Para escucharlo, haz click sobre esta imagen:



    Photo de cabecera by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash 

  • 18/10/2021 Seminar by Simon Boudet

    Particle trajectories in metric affine spacetimes: observing torsion with a WKB approach.

    We are pleased to initiate our seminar session this year with a talk by our colleague Simon Boudet, who will be visiting our Department until the end of December 2021. 

    Simon got his master degree at the university of Rome" La Sapienza" in 2019, with a thesis entitled "Implementation of Ashtekar variables in the Palatini f(R) theory of gravity", where he dealt with a generalization of the Loop Quantum Gravity formalism to scalar tensor theories. Currently, his research activity mainly focuses on classical and semiclassical aspects of metric affine models of gravity, with special emphasis on compact objects physic and cosmological implementations.

    The title and abstract of his talk are the following: 

    TITLE: Particle trajectories in metric affine spacetimes: observing torsion with a WKB approach.

    ABSTRACT: In this talk I will review some aspects of trajectories followed by test particles in metric affine theories of gravity. Firstly, I will introduce the notions of geodesic motion and autoparallel paths, showing as within an eikonal  approximation photon do not carry information about torsion and nonmetricity. Then, I will discuss the case of fermions, and I will derive, according a WKB method, the modification induced by torsion to geodesic trajectories. Finally, I will briefly sketch some hypothetically observable phenomena related to neutrinos.

    Coordinates: Tuesday October 19th at 10:30 in the seminar room of the Theoretical Physics Department.

    Follow this session online via BigBlueButton.

    Also on our YouTube channel

    Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash



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© UV-QG (Universitat de Valencia, Departament de Física Teórica)
C/ Dr. Moliner, 50. (Bloc D, Pis 4°).
Burjassot 46100 València
Telf. (+34) 96 354 43 49